Legal English Course

Time: To be decided upon registration (when registering please provide us with a timeframe at your convenience including the weekend)
Duration: 20 h
Location: Our office / online
Fee: 1.000 RON
- Improving fluency in communication
- Greater command of language structures and functions used when addressing clients in writing ( emails of advice, legal opinions )
- Acquiring the necessary legal vocabulary to facilitate interaction with foreign peers and clients
Our course aims at legal professionals who are B1 or B2 level in general English and offers a complex learning program focusing on the main areas of legal practice. It provides participants with the opportunity to acquire specific terminology, perform speeches, role play, improve their legal writing skills on topics such as:
- Correspondence and communication etiquette
- Email of advice / legal opinions: formality vs. informality
- Receiving instructions
- Obtaining clear instructions
- Advising clients
- Care letters
- Court documents and proceedings
- Preparation of the initial draft document
- Structure of the agreement
- Style
- Layout
- Key language
- What to avoid
- Contract contents
- Parties
- Purpose
- Definitions of terminology
- General business terms
- Specific transaction commercial terms
- Warranties and indemnities
- Completing and closing formalities
- Negotiating changes
- Reviewing proposed amendments
- Responding to clients
- Drafting changes to amendments
- Case study: contract negotiations
- Completing and closing the transaction
- Due diligence
- Disclosure letters
- Post Contract matters
- Giving notices
- Failure to perform
- Remedies for breach of contract
- Terminating the Agreement
- Specific Commercial transactions
- Outsourcing
- Franchising
- Agency
- Join to ventures
- Leasing
- Construction
- Supply chains
- Engineering maintenance
- Intellectual property
- Software and I.T. development
- Company formation
- Types of companies
- Roles in a company
- Changes in a company ( Constitutional amendments, mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, spin offs )
- Raising capital for a company
- Language of meetings ( Chairing, expressing opinions, adding etc. )
- Patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyright
- Application for patents / trademarks
- Challenges to patent and trademarks
- Infringements of IP law
- Individual employment agreement provisions
- Unfair dismissal claims
- Collective dismissal
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Administration
- Receivership
- Company voluntary arrangement
Please confirm your participation at / 0771 325 050 or fill in the form below :
Our office address:
24 Bd. Nicolae Balcescu, sc. B, floor 5, ap. 5 – 4, intercom 15, District 1, Bucharest
Foarte interesant!!! Am participat anul trecut si pot sa spun ca a fost cea mai buna decizie. Multumesc si mult succes!!!
Multumim pentru apreciere, Ioana! Te asteptam si anul viitor pentru ca vom organiza si alte cursuri ! 🙂
Mult succes si tie!